Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A Dark Child

Preface: This poem was originally found on my friend/coworker Robert's blog Purnt Of View. It was so good, I had to copy it BUT credit it given to where it is due. If you're interested in his works, check out as writers tend to stick together. - A.CedA.

A winter’s night in a wintery life
And the world passes by
With less than even a sigh
He cries but the silence presides
Over the empty replies
When life and death collide, and they
Wonder why?
No one dares deny that blatant
Imminence decries that
He was expertly and covertly demoralized
By the danger that shadows his eyes or
The depth if his soon-to-be demise
Yet they still wonder why?
He commonly relies on being heavily
Subsidized and culturally compromised
By the rich and the wise but
They never realize
That it’s a ruse beneath a disguise, that
Covers the lies so they all just compromise
With the truth that hides in plain sight
And they wonder why?
Whoever dares verbalize the existence of the
Injustice only to sterilize and pasteurize so
The powers that be continue to dehumanize
And even have the gall to plagiarize but
Never will they apologize for
The lost lives they claim as the prize
While they stand glorified in the
Name of a civilized…society
And by the way the empathetic of course
They empathize and then he or she buys
A coke
And wonders why?
Finally the ear-piercing screams
That shatter the dreams and
Accompany the schemes that make up
The memes that come in streams
And awaken the demons and the
Little Dark Child reasons that he
Will have no season to…live his life
And all they do is wonder why?


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