Friday, January 8, 2016

Human Suffering

            Imagine having over a billion dollars, thousands of people at his beckoning call, a perfect spouse and family, hundreds of HIV-negative mistresses, more cars than a major dealership, and what ideally seems to be everything going in his favor – you even get along with your in-laws! The only thing catch is that you cannot take any of this with you after death. On the contrary, if nothing went your away and you spent your entire life moaning and groaning about every situation as a result of misdeeds and a total lack of remorse, then nothing good would seem to come out of life. The most common misconception is that destiny is the source of human suffering:  in other words, how we live and treat others determines how we die. Death has no escape no matter the individual’s piety, particularly if the individual is considered good or heroic.

            Human suffering is not caused by any one condition; it is the result of several ailments in conjunction with lifestyle, location, or sometimes being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Its source cannot be defined as one such instance, such as coronary heart disease. The Bible attributes suffering to Adam and Eve as a result of their sin in Eden, which Adam was forced to till the earth for food.  Not getting off scotch-free, Eve is forced to become not only submissive to Adam, but also she has to carry the load by bearing children (Genesis 3:13-19).

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