Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Space To Repent

Taken from Revelation 2:18-23

This is what you must write to the angel of the church in Thyatira: I am the Son of God! My eyes are like flames of fire, and my feet are like bronze. Listen to what I say.  I know everything about you, including your love, your faith, your service, and how you have endured. I know you are doing more now than you have ever done before.  But I still have something against you because of that woman Jezebel. She calls herself a prophet, and you let her teach and mislead my servants to do immoral things and to eat food offered to idols. I gave her a chance to turn from her sins, but she did not want to stop doing these immoral things.  I am going to strike down Jezebel. Everyone who does these immoral things with her will also be punished, if they don't stop.  I will even kill her followers. Then all the churches will see that I know everyone's thoughts and feelings. I will treat each of you as you deserve.

It's our nature to possess a contrarian view. Whatever we are told, we tend to do whatever we want as a short sighted spirit. Having a Jezebel spirit means being a master (or mistress) of having their way. Being spoiled is NOT a great thing because in Christianity, it can destroy a unit. We all have time to repent from our sins. 

Verse 18: Pastors need to get right from the head to the foot and show concern of soul > friendship. Don't fall for sweet words others say, rather be enchanted by the Word of God. It is there to make you better!

Verse 19: Jesus is at the church knocking and no one is answering.  What's really going on? He's looking @the church in order to be purified. He knows the church ought to be doing things to make the world a better place; if your gift is being utilized,  keep it up. Otherwise, use it or lose it!

Verse 20: There are a few things Jesus has issue with. Instead of listening to the angels and pastors of his heart, people got up and followed the Jezebel spirit. Ex. Beanie Weenies were being collected at the Salt Bowl Friday afternoon. God has blessed us to eat more than beans and hot dogs with the ability to cook for ourselves. Same example within the ministry.  Some things we don't like may be good for us, like portion control. Just because it's good to us doesn't mean gorge on it.

Verse 21: God gives us the chance to turn from wrong. Truth is, some things we say and do aren't good for you. The Jezebel lifestyle of YOLO (sinning against God) is not the way to go; see both blog posts from AD&AD These Hoes Ain't Loyal.

Verse 22: Persistent bad behavior will cause a loss of life.

Verse 23: When the staff dies from their unrepentant ways, the followers also perish. This will prove that God knows all of our thoughts and actions and he will reveal that to everyone else. Jezebel will give you heartache and unnecessary anguish.

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