Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Tax Man Cometh, and The Juice Man Exits

Last year the tax man came - and I could not escape his clutches.
Give me more money; you've earned a boatload of cash.
I tried to hide in corners,
behind high school lockers,
underneath large bins chuck full of Hawaiian Punch
atop dingy beige ceilings
But guess what? He saw my shadow like that groundhog Phil
and I had to hand over a third of one paycheck.
That's what I get for living in two states and working in four.
A total nightmare for my accountant (my computer).
Turbo Tax is overrated, yet I do not wish to give the State of Arkansas one red cent.

Let's hope this year is different.

This time, the tax man cometh - and the juice man escapeth.
How? TBA...

Til then, don't pull a Wesley Snipes
Pay your fair share of taxes
Yes, kids, some taxes are good (remember Hurricane Katrina?)
because this rig cannot dodge one more pothole on Interstate 40
and some social programs must continue for Dad's sake
I don't expect Social Security to be around when I get older
I know that's a shame
We po' folks gotta eat too and would like a piece of the American Dream also.

Keep on callin' the Hogs
Woo! Pig! Sooie! Razorbacks!
Remember to smile, play, and laugh a lot
Please pass the kool-aid
I'm out.

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