Friday, November 22, 2013

Wives, Do Your Part

Ephesians 5:21-24
(in continuation of Sex & Sinners series)
The difference between saint and sinner is that the saint has accepted Jesus as Savior. You know there is a grace that keeps you through the day. God has expectations for us regarding how we live; we don't have it all. There are days that my little light may be used to burn you.

V. 21. Submitting one to another.  
You fall in line when instructions are given to you. In the military, you work top down leadership - the generals tell the coloniels, etc; in the Christian perspective,  you work as a team player. When you yoke yourself to the wrong train, you're apt to travel the wrong direction. When God speaks of wives, this is man & woman NOT two dudes (top and bottom)nor two chicks.

V. 22. Wives, submit to your own husbands.  It is imperative that women find THEIR OWN men, not the ones who are already taken. It shouldn't be as difficult as it seems to be with women being alpha dogs.

V. 23. Husbands are the heads of their wives. Like Christ is the head of the church, the husband is the head of the household. By learning to serve, obey, adore, etc., couples parallel the models in the church.

V. 24. Be in submission to everything. 
You've been forewarned about being unequally yoked by God. Commit this day forward to understanding the role of wife and appreciate more than just the benefits. 

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