Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Power of Seven: Achieving Your Goals

Achieving your goals is a seven-step formula. No matter who or what gets in the way, NEVER GIVE UP. At times, your objective may look pretty grim, but pushing through the naysayers and meeting your goals will be more than worthwhile.

 A) Decide exactly what you want in each area of life. Be specific. What drives you? Is it money? Family time? Developing and cultivating friendships/relationships? Your ideal lifestyle?

B) Write it down clearly and in detail. Goals are ALWAYS on paper; otherwise, they are only wishes. Wishes have no energy behind them.

C) Set a deadline. By doing so, you have forced yourself to meet your goal by a specified date.

D) Make a list of everything that you can think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your goal. When new tasks arise, write them down until your list is complete.

E) Organize your list into a plan. Prioritize (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.), as this is your blueprint to build a dream house. Make certain that your priorities align with what you really want.

F) Take action on the plan. Don't just sit there, move! Get busy! Don't wait! Confucius once said a journey of a thousand leagues begins with one step. Have you taken your first step today?

G) Make progress daily. No matter how small, do something every day that moves you closer to your dreams. Over time, you'll develop the discipline to keep going all year long.

You'll be amazed by what gets done by the Power of Seven!

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