Sunday, June 16, 2013

Our Heavenly Father Is Still Guiding Us

Taken from Deuteronomy 1:29-31

God is still fighting our battles for us. Things we cannot control, we must leave up to Him; do all we can within the abilities. God gave us that burden to carry on despite our limited ability to do it all.
1) it's all about what He says. Verse 29 says not to be afraid. It's up to Him which direction to go in. Look at where God has brought us from (old heads have been there, done that). 
Isaiah 55:11 is a reference point to simply shut up whining and listen!
2) He goes ahead in battle. The Lord your God will fight your battles for you, as proven by all He did in Egypt for the Israelites. See Proverbs 23:19 - whatever is said, consider it done. 
3) Trust Him. The walk through the wilderness could easily have been 80 years instead the 40 year trek around in a circle, ans another generation could perish without seeing freedom. God is going to take care of us like He would a child, always in our best interests.

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