Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Greatest Love of All, Part II

Mark 12:31

God set His agenda forth in this series, verses 24-31. For example, He declared marriage as one man and one woman in Genesis 1-3, 5. We are to be fruitful and multiply, proving He is the author and finisher of our faith. Be holy because He is holy.

Our society pushes their wants to justify sins. If we are using gay marriage as a platform when people say we love each other and want to raise kids, does it mean that it is ok when people want to be polygamous (one man, several wives) or bestiality (man loves animal).

The second commandment is to love your neighbor as thyself. If a man hits you, the first instinct is to knock the taste out of his mouths. God is trying to get us to a place where self-denial is where we ought to be. We still have a worldly tendency to recognize the people that share reciprocity towards us. Love 'em no matter what! Love the person, not their sins. If you really want to love God, deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me!

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