Saturday, May 27, 2023

I Got Sides, Not Side Chicks

As often as I try to make sure every day is a GREAT day for Dub Shack BBQ,  I don't always remember to make side items to eat with all of that delectable pulled pork, brisket, chicken, turkey, ribs, steaks, etc. that your friendly pitmaster puts out. Sometimes, a side item becomes near-mandatory such as the smoked cream cheese (see my neighbors); other times, the featured presentation gets bypassed in favor of shotgun shells or one of Da Dips. One of the easiest sides I can put together is smoked mashed potatoes, and they are wicked-easy to make! 

Honey gold potatoes, halved
The Golden Ticket**, better known as Dub Shack BBQ’s beef tallow
Fire and Smoke Society's Potato Slayer rub
*The potato doesn't matter. You can make it your own with reds, Yukon golds, russets, or any other potato. Heck, even use sweet potatoes if that's your prerogative. My happy behind is using honey gold potatoes for this blog.
**The Golden Ticket is a trial run, and like Dat White, could very well be a limited batch. Save your olive oil for another day and once you use tallow, you may not come back.
STEP ONE. After washing the potatoes, apply the Golden Ticket all over them and share the love fest with Potato Slayer. Wrap them in aluminum foil and set aside to light the weapon of choice. 
STEP TWO. We all are acutely familiar with two-zone cooking where the coals are on one side and a cool zone on the other, so do it. Once the grill reaches 325-350 degrees, place the potatoes on the cool side and close the lid. Your taters will let you know when they are ready by becoming soft at a fingertip's touch. Bring them in and allow to cool for approximately fifteen minutes. 
What a side! 

I know that barbecuers get a bad rap for only doing meat well yet the sides matter as much if not more so than the proteins alone. Doing side items on the grill frees up the kitchen for other stuff as warm rolls, cakes, and even casseroles; therefore, it becomes an extension of what we already own and allows it to take food to the next level. As always, thanks for reading this post: Go cook something superb this week! Y'all be blessed, be safe, be good to each other, and tell everyone that every day is a GREAT day for Dub Shack BBQ!

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