Friday, May 28, 2021

One Down, Twelve To Go

I remember saying that I was going to retire the Dad Chronicles for good once upon a time but I cannot stop telling everyone about how proud I am of Caeli in her first go-round of 36 weeks of onsite learning. She has had a blast in kindergarten, and I have to credit the entire village for her successes as well as the curiosity of one six-year-old girl. 
Another graduation day done. Thank God Caeli looks more like her mommy than her daddy 

So...where do we start?

Culture shock really didn't affect her one bit - and that was surprisingly by design thanks to the other kids in our neighborhood involving her every single chance they could, and how their friendships as playmates and beyond have shaped this academic year. In addition, I unintentionally became that dad:  Not the one who provided the progeny with every new toy under the sun but the one who watched - and occasionally - played. It didn't help me lose any weight and we won't get into that part; consequently, the girl who was once known as the baby of the block showed a resounding lack of fear with most of what she was doing - and sometimes doing it better than the bigger kiddos.

This is where we started 

This is where we ended

From a scary beginning of the school year to a real dumping of snow unseen here since her third day of life to the dislocated left middle toe and the venture to channel her athletic ability at gymnastics and recently, swim lessons, the three of us have had a school year to remember!

Last time Arkansas has this much snow, Caeli was three days old and in the NICU at UAMS. 

February's Character Kid:  Her word was honesty. 

Oh yeah, the spring break trip to Myrtle Beach where it seemed like every fourth car we saw on the way had Arkansas tags. Little Miss Sunshine wants to go back, and who could blame her? Aside from the 14 hours spent in a Camry [still averaged 30 mpg, BTW] and narrowly avoiding a tornado in central Alabama, the week away indeed became a memory-maker. 

Ripley's Believe Ir Or Not! Museum in Myrtle  Beach 
There are so many things we can share and an equal amount of events that were bigger to Caeli than what adult eyes have experienced. This summer's plans are mainly to beat back atrophy from not reading or writing for the next ten weeks by...reinforcement and repetition. Not the R&R intended, ha? Yeah, rest and relaxation are also included, but in an ever-changing, more competitive environment, losing precious skills are not optional. 

Birthday girl got down at her photo shoot Feb. 13

Thanks to Mrs. Henson and Mr. Wagner for being Caeli's first public school teachers
Not just strong, but #CaeliStrong - best wishes to Mr. Wagner next year at Springhill Elementary 
We made it! One down, twelve to go - and that does not include college, medical school, or whatever her postsecondary life looks like come 2033:  I just hope it is not a cost-prohibitive journey.

Dr. Caeli thanks all of you for hanging out this year

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