Sunday, September 6, 2020

Our Love Story

My wife doesn't know this, but she just did a ghostwriting bid for AD&AD. Fortunately, I don't have to pay her for the post. In the words of Mrs. Chastity Armstrong:  

Let me tell y'all about this guy whom I met at Henderson State University Fall of '97.  We quickly became friends and interested at the same time.  I remember when going to Garrison Hall it was almost a guarantee I would see him as well.  

Well one day I told my friend Monica Creggett Brown "watch I'll end up marrying him."

Through separate relationships for both of us, we maintained contact.  So one day we found ourselves asking the question did we want to try.  I questioned then if it would mess up our friendship that we had built.  

Fast forward to Jan.1, 2008..(long story)..and December 25, 2010..(long story)....well August 6, 2011 we decided to share our love and pronounce to all we were are a united team. 
Thanks A. Cedric Armstrong for all the love you have shown me since that day we met.  I love you and I'm so glad we decided to give it the ol' Reddie try LOL.

I pray we have many many more anniversaries to celebrate together.  Happy 9th Anniversary babe 

P.S.  I love you this <------------------------------------------->much!

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