Sunday, January 19, 2020

I'd Rather Die Free Than Live Enslaved

“The water brought us.  The water will take us home.”
Did You Know About The Igbo Landing? How 75 Igbos who revolted against slavery chose to drown in the U.S

Legend has it that in 1803, at St. Simons Island, Georgia, a group of 75 Igbo warriors from what is now Nigeria committed mass suicide by drowning rather than begin life in America as slaves. They survived the Middle Passage only to walk willingly into the sea wearing chains.

The Igbo Landing refers to the mass suicide of Igbo slaves in 1803 who chose to die rather than live a life of slavery.

Peace to the Ancestors. 
Gathered In.

Imagine feeling so compelled to give up your physical mortal life, your body, your flesh, and surrender your soul to Eternity to join the Ancestors rather than be in bondage?
Profound. Sad. Tragic. Empowering. Painful. Poignant. And powerful all at once.💯🔥

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