Wednesday, April 4, 2018


All of you have heard the saying “by the grace of God.” I’m not going into that aspect of those five little words that make such a huge impact in our daily lives – not just the ones where we fake it for one hour each Sunday morning and occasionally during the summer at Vacation Bible School, church camp (is that even a thing today?), revivals, or even the rare appearance made at prayer meeting and Bible study on Wednesday nights rather allow us to take an inventory of our own lives particularly in our own interactions real and virtual mediums such as our social media accounts and video games.

Grace is defined as 1)simple elegance or refinement of movement; and 2) in Christian belief, the free and unmerited favor from God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and bestowal of blessings. As it is also used as a verb, grace means do honor or credit to (something or someone) in one's presence.

When you leave the confines of home for the day, show grace.

For those of us who work from home and must interact remotely with our coworkers, supporters, trolls, and/or critics, show grace. 

Not everyone who stirs the pot is cognizant of their own deeds. Show grace anyway.

I know I’m a cusser, speed demon, occasional drinker, and some other things depending on the individual describing me, but I must stand up and be different. Someone has to be the proverbial adult in the room in a day when it is so easy to tweet insults or hide behind assumed names and profiles to make derogatory statements. As we live in a world which people tear us down left and right gleefully due to their own anxieties and stresses, we are required to rise above the mudslinging. Is it easy? Of course not; nothing worth doing is ever easy – and this includes following our dreams and callings while we share this rock for the allotted time we have.

Is someone being nasty toward you? Don’t stoop to their level.

Did you get cut off? Let them have the space; we’re likely going to be sitting in the same traffic jam. 

Is someone trying to start an argument? Instead of giving them a piece of their mind, give them a piece of grace.

Live in grace.

Exude grace to others. If we spend less time trying to convince ourselves that we are right all of the time and more effort into putting effort into loving people as they are, then we won’t have time to shout from our hollow chambers for the captive audiences we are so familiar with about a love, connection, or commonality we think the other side lacks.

Why am I saying all of this? Because God gave me grace.

Grace to make it through the pay period when there are more days than dollars in my accounts.

Grace when my bosses throw away my transfer requests leaving me to remain in a role which I have peaked.

Grace to manage disparate relationships within the church – what a minefield – when the money is short and ethics are napping.

Grace that is overflowing to the point that I cannot help sharing it with others even if I do not say one mumbling word.

Navigating this life is tricky most days particularly if a digital footprint exists or we find ourselves in leadership positions that necessitate those gut calls. The one thing that stops all the animosity in its tracks is to NOT be a conductor of that train. Be the kindness in a crowd of complaints. Be the soft voice to an ear that spends its days only yelling. Be the safe place. This way, when people ask of your thoughts, they are more likely to deeply listen to your answer.

The next time someone asks you why you can withstand the face of vitriol so fiercely, tell them grace.

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