Friday, March 31, 2017

Being Poor Sucks

A few years ago, I wrote Savin’ On the Run with my bride (Actually, we had been married for a year and a half when you read it). Some things obviously have changed since 2013 (house, child, car payments) – and unfortunately, there is still more month than money. Thanks, work for underpaying both of us.  Most of the time it seems like the loot leaves five minutes after the check stubs (and direct deposits) hit our hands!

What you are going to see is a hypothetical summary of my struggle. Try not to laugh at my hypothetical salary, and if you know someone who does daycare at a very reasonable price, send them our way!
Gross Salary
$35,000 per year
401K contribution per year
3% today, need to readjust to something closer to 9%

Because I don’t get company match, it’s only $1,050. Sad!
Tithes to church and/or nonprofit giving
10% of said gross. In other words, $3,500.
13%?!! I let the government touch this much money before I can do ANYTHING with it? Thanks for screwing the little chocolate man!

$4,550. Pathetic!
$6,250 per year assuming the going rate is $125/week

Too damn expensive
$610/month for the next 26 years
(We did get this right and stayed below our original budget)
$335/month for the next four years. Does not include fuel, insurance, and assorted maintenance, but thank God I bought a Toyota for the missus! Note:  this is ONLY ONE CAR. Two car payments is the fastest way to the poor house – and thankfully there is a long-paid off SUV in the driveway.

Food for 3 people
Around $150 per month assuming we can leave that drive-thru window alone. Otherwise, it just doubled.
Life Insurance
$30/month for only me
Internet and Phone(s)
$30/month for the Internet

Phone (today) is $210/mo. You know, gotta stay connected to the world.
This time of year, let’s call it $180/mo for all three.

That brings me to $6,150. I didn’t factor in credit card payments because there would be nothing left. However, if I decided to start making my wife’s student loan payments, I’d be on the hook for $4,500 per year leaving me with a free $1,650 over twelve months. In other words, I have a spare $35/week to survive on. 

No wonder why I say being poor sucks. 

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