Friday, November 25, 2016

About Last Week...

About last week…it was much-needed and appreciated rest.

What else did you expect me to say?

Everyone has seen the pictures I was compelled to share, and if you’re looking for nighttime photos beyond what was found at the Sun King Steakhouse or the super moon from last Monday, you’re out of luck because I didn’t take any. It wasn’t because I had to hide the hedonism – just I was too busy having a freaking blast to stop and take pictures of everyone and everything!

This could easily become a story about a father and his son finally slowing down and getting away for a few days to bond and renew a friendship beyond pop and his firstborn, but there is more – and that began Sunday afternoon once I finally found my way out of the bed post-exhaustion.

I could humor you of the wasted newlyweds who danced all over the deck next to our chairs behind the DJ and ended up in Carnival jail [really, it’s a drunk tank] only to repeat cycle.

I could also tell you of the incredibly attractive woman I met who really stimulated my mind (and heart) for one week and made me appreciate my own marriage more than just being the dude payin’ bills or Daddy Bear to that precocious one-year-old not to mention she helped find my own value/swagger in this thing we call life in the midst of a mundane existence. Although the very thought of spending one more week with her did cross my mind, that pull of coming home was thankfully stronger:  I really missed my wife and daughter.

I could also share the tales of waking up at 2 am to walk across the ship to the 24-hour pizza joint and for a Miller Lite as I engaged an unknown number of fellow travelers in varying conversations and listening to their life stories. Because I’ve evolved into quite the night owl, I also enjoyed the relatively quiet moments during which I could talk with God and be amazed by His creation.

I could mention that with the exception of my dad (great fill-in for Chastity) this was a getaway for some of the leadership team at our church. Just as a reminder, Christian folks aren’t stiff folks, you know.

I could lastly regale the babies about the heavily intoxicated young women in Cozumel who decided to get their feet done at the beach via fish therapy and the ensuing arguments on the bus ride back to the plaza. The free margaritas at the port did not exactly help their cause regardless of how tasty they were.

About last week…let’s say I had a heck of a time.

Fair enough?

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