Monday, October 10, 2016

Lose Yourself

Normally I would have simply left a link behind for all of you to read, but this time around, I am sharing 50 simple yet powerful habits to leave your legacy the way you want it instead of having to lie about it later.

1.     Give your undivided attention.
2.     Be a problem solver.
3.     Remember people’s names.
4.     Ask “How can I help?”
5.     Set high standards.
6.     Make your contribution greater than your reward.
7.     Lead with integrity no matter how much it costs.
8.     Smile.
9.     Compliment the person within the first 30 seconds of the conversation.
10.  Make people feel good about themselves.
11.   Listen silently – and put away the smartphone!
12.   Make eye contact.
13.  Show respect.
14.  Share the credit.
15. Talk with people, not at them.
16.   Send it.
17.  Dream big for others.
18.  Stay away from toxicity.
19.  Don’t hesitate.
20.  Keep a positive attitude.
21.  Celebrate special occasions.
22.  Help people focus on their strengths, not their weaknesses.
23.   Send handwritten notes.
24.   Give without being asked.
25.  Always bring something to the table.
26.  Give people your trust.
27.   Communicate appropriately.
28.  Highlight what may be overlooked.
29.  Make meaningful connections.
30.  Be on time.
31.  Go the extra mile.
32.  Be a sounding board.
33.  Give someone a special task and watch the person accomplish it.
34.  Express deep appreciation for the ways people add value to your life.
35.  Renew confidence.
36.  Treat people the way you want to be treated.
37.  Be sincere in your sincerity.
38.   Pay it forward.
39.  Offer constructive feedback.
40.  Delegate.
41.   Catch people doing right.
42.  Invite people to become part of a cause that is greater than they are.
43.  Don’t keep score.
44.  Make it win-win.
45.  Don’t let people down.
46.  Bring your best.
47.  Meet people halfway.
48.  Add value constantly.
49.  Start a movement.
50.  Live every day like it was your last.

Imagine what our lives would be like if we adhere to the maxims above even if we are only to perform one deed on this list daily. Keep in mind that none of these habits cost any money whatsoever instead an investment to become our best selves.

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