Thursday, July 7, 2016

Wasted Genius: Here for the Check and Nothing Else

I’m here for the check and nothing else.

That’s quite the introduction, eh?

It’s also how I feel about the past four years. One would surmise that at this point, I know what I know and if the circumstances have not improved to anything palpable, then obviously it is past time to move on.

So why am I still here?

Simple:  the check and health insurance. Now that my child is receiving benefits, it is becoming more difficult to defend the paltry check. I understand that I have a mortgage and other revolving expenses each month, but what good is it if this life has become a soul-sucking existence? I know I’m unhappy here, so empathize with my wife who didn’t expect to be [in effect] a single parent and the friends who no longer invite me to their own events because of the atrocious hours I do work.

I’m also certain that my boss is getting my notice within the next few days. After 31 shifts in the past 34 days, I cannot do this anymore.

I’m better than this.

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