Friday, April 1, 2016

Never Look Back

Although it is another eighteen months or so away, I am seriously considering skipping my twentieth high school class reunion – just not for the reasons one may expect. For one, I have come to a place where the past (and all that remains there) must be left alone and no amount of festivities or Miller Lite on draft can replicate years of stupidity. But before I continue, understand that I have not set foot on the college campus I graduated from fourteen years ago but thrice due to my work schedule and not having that particular desire to associate myself with those years. In my defense, food poisoning does not exactly warrant a return trip to Henderson State to be sociable; that is why Twitter (thankfully) and Facebook serve as that outpost for me on Reddie game days.
Fish, Water, Consciousness, Fluid
That should also let everyone know that this is not an isolated circumstance. As much as I love all 400+ of my Conway High School classmates (and I really do), 1997 was way too long ago to reminisce over things that may or may not have happened, for stories do tend to exaggerate themselves over the course of time – and I am not as limber as I once was stretching out of the drive-thru window scrounging for change at the Taco Bell on Oak nor as bombastic over slightly discounted fast food.

Keep in mind God told Lot not to look back on Sodom and Gomorrah as the sister cities burned. We know what happened to his wife when she did turn her head to look back:  she became a pillar of salt, as evidenced in Genesis 19:1-26.

Her death means we must put down our addictions, bad habits, and sinful manners that separate us from God and to never look back wistfully of those events when we simply did what we wanted to when we wanted to without regard for future consequences. Sheer hedonism is what destroyed Admah, Zeboim, Sodom, and Gomorrah only leaving Bela as the lone survivor in the Jordan River Valley. Moreover, the Protestant Church in particular links the five cities with rampant homosexuality although the true cause of the cities being destroyed was their collective unrepentant sin not limited to being culturally inhospitable, blatantly selfish, and morally bankrupt.

Once we surrender, never look back.

If you want more about Lot and what else happened in the Five Cities, stay tuned - I add differing blog posts weekly. 

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