Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Dream Car For High School Graduation List

I know it’s been nearly twenty years ago since I walked across the Farris Center to get my high school diploma (Go Wampus Cats!), but I saw this thread on Motor Trend and it seemed interesting enough:  What five vehicles (preferably the start of a new generation) would you have in your dream garage? All models have to be the same year as graduation.

Here are mine. Pictures are coming soon. Unfortunately, 1997 was a bad year for cars beyond #1.

1)    Porsche Boxster. Hands down, no questions asked.
2)    Honda CR-V. For an incoming college freshman living away from home for the first time, this one makes all of the sense in the world. The fact it got 28 mpg is a definite bonus and that novel picnic table in the cargo area…
3)    Pontiac Grand Prix GT coupe. Yeah, yeah. The Wide-Track Pontiac commercials got me – and my uncle had a black cherry coupe that looked nothing short of badass even if reliability wasn’t one of its strong suits. Besides, I needed one for the home team and the Chevrolet Malibu/Oldsmobile Cutlass just wouldn’t do it.

4)    Ford F-150. Aside from the horrid mpg and from growing up with nothing but Chevrolets, this could’ve been the truck to own. Try finding one today at a reasonable price and see what you get.

Image result for 1997 ford f150

5)    Toyota Camry. More my demeanor – dependable wallflower – but you could really jazz one up without breaking the bank; it would likely be the car I’d still drive to this day if I only was allowed one vehicle from the list.

Honorable mentions:  Toyota Rav-4, Nissan Frontier, Honda Prelude

Feel free to share your dream garage. 

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