Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Who Is Our Side?

Taken from 2 Kings 9:30-37

Jehu headed toward Jezreel, and when Jezebel heard he was coming, she put on eye shadow and brushed her hair. Then she stood at the window, waiting for him to arrive. As he walked through the city gate, she shouted down to him, “Why did you come here, you murderer? To kill the king? You're no better than Zimri!”  He looked up toward the window and asked, “Is anyone up there on my side?” A few palace workers stuck their heads out of a window, and Jehu shouted, “Throw her out the window!” They threw her down, and her blood splattered on the walls and on the horses that trampled her body.  Jehu left to get something to eat and drink. Then he told some workers, “Even though she was evil, she was a king's daughter, so make sure she has a proper burial.”  But when they went out to bury her body, they found only her skull, her hands, and her feet.  They reported this to Jehu, and he said, “The Lord told Elijah the prophet that Jezebel's body would be eaten by dogs right here in Jezreel. And he warned that her bones would be spread all over the ground like manure, so that no one could tell who it was.”

God keeps his promises; when he says it, that settles it. Like a protective parent, I'll deal with them when they're wrong, but let it come from my hands. Accept God at his work EVEN when you don't see the background work.

Ex. Faith is like cooking fried chicken. I don't see it yet, but I can smell it and hear the grease popping in the skillet.

Don't let your situation cause you to move from your blessings! When you're spiritual,  you learn how to pray for your oppressors versus throwing hands.

Jehu had a mission to clean up the mess left behind by Jezebel, who dumped God for her own secular agenda. He came back to Jezreel to work (God always has a ram in the bush). She dressed up and brushed her hair to mock him; after she fell to her death, the dogs devoured her body save the skull, hands, and feet.

The Jezebel spirit is a selfish one that supports fear. Learn to walk away from wrongdoing!

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