Monday, March 17, 2014

Suicidal State of Mind

folks, let's face it: i'm tired.
every day feels like a run-on monday, unyielding toward the worst
i work for an employer i don't particularly care for
(surprise, that's nothing new)
and if i were ever able to escape the night shift, i'm sure someone would present me with a lifetime achievement award
for working so well within the margins
never invited to the grownups table
this introverted genius toils in the shadows of life, expecting to go unnoticed
only for mistakes to be magnified 100X by the so-called leadership
who reminds me swiftly i can be easily replaced.
how can i not forget, in this right-to-work state?
where the bottom dollar trumps high performance, dedication, strong work ethic, etc?
you say it almost weekly...
and like a battered wife, i keep coming back for another black eye and blue bruises and all
for round after round of eternal abuse.

all i really want to do is sleep.
maybe that's why i place such a premium on rest - for everyone else, of course
me? i'm superman. all i need is about four hours and a can of full throttle blue demon with a pair of no-doz capsules
600 milligrams won't slow me down one bit
but i can always use more caffeine
headaches don't matter - just give me another dr. pepper and i've got the next few hours before i crash again
soda may inevitably be the death of me
or maybe the high blood pressure accrued from eating no-doz and feasting childlike:
pizza, beer, pb&j, and fast food.
maybe i'll sleep when i'm dead.

underneath the happy face is a man beaten by life
the windows to my soul are tinted by delusion
my voice, once bold and booming, reduced to a whimpering silence
never was the most attractive
whoever told me clothes make the man clearly doesn't know me
too modest to be fly, never good enough for your standard of masculinity
so? eff it.
my skin (sometimes my sin) is one i've never truly felt comfortable in, but it's mine
i'll be fine
it's been 35 years, so obviously i am finally accepting my limitations 
and fyi - i'm not talking about my black skin, negro features, etc.
i have an anxiety of being normal
working monday through friday  like most normal adults (during the day)
dealing with traffic jams and other inconsiderate drivers
navigating office politics
what if i don't make it? 
do i really belong in the graveyard, or working the graveyard?
to my detriment, i become more of a recluse than i already am?
associating with other people is akin to removing the leash from a rabid pit bull
lost am i in the shuffle
til one day my temper defeats the supposedly calm
papers fly everywhere
pens become darts
systems become compromised 
nasty four-letter expletives exchanged
and maybe 260 pounds of black power shattering someone's jaw
you're not taking me alive
so from my elastic bvd waistband i pull a revolver, point to my newly shaven head, and squeeze the trigger.
i win.
game over, life over. 
everybody's happy
no one cares because i didn't care
i didn't matter, not even to those closest to me
i bid thee adieu
you won't have me to kick around anymore

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