Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Land of the Blind (after Heffernan)

"In the land of the blind
the one-eyed monster is invisible."
The four-eyed woman studied first, then 
protected her corner
So she could share a few steamy moments with
any interested man
Not necessarily rich nor poor: her number was
etched onto the graffiti-laced stonewall
not among stars, instead bright lights, crooked
police officers
who knowingly desired the taste of her sex.
This boulevard is not unlike any other on any 
other night - 
Flickering light bulbs, burning incessantly
through the dark
And ended near dawn in the back of a brand new 
Blankly staring out at the dying surroundings
Which only seemed to be havens for oral pleasure
Scowling into a clean rearview mirror and having
To force herself not upon her enemies
Nearby in the Dunkin Donut-smeared front seat.
Typical night: go to jail for trying to make a 

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