Friday, November 1, 2013

Jesus Is My Status, Not Facebook

This post consists of notes from when our associate minister Aaron preached way back on January 13. As always, study for yourself and don't buy into the hype. 

1 Timothy 1:8-10, 13-16

Aaron goes into the text as an introduction to Facebook. Status is what you according to your interests; in Paul's words, he considers it what you really are. Use the law wisely to ALL of the commandments, not just ones you feel are beneficial to your situations. 
Anyone can be saved! It's not that hard. Christ had to die in order for us to live (remember John 3:16?)
The Gospel is a divine plan according to Scripture. Everything Jesus did, He knew AND referenced scripture! So why go contrary?
Achievement? His life was for us. 
Free offer? I <3 free .99
Enjoyment of fellowship in turn = good news
Status: after things happen, we typically take to FB or Twitter. 

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