Thursday, July 11, 2013

devolving the (r)evolution

hey hey hey

what up

nothing has significantly changed in my writing style, just in my mind

mostly to allow those six inches of gray matter between my black ears to exercise

creative thoughts via mental barbells

only if my physical body were this svelte

oh well, it'll be all right.

for years i've found myself wanting to revolt a la the black panthers

say it loud, i'm black and i'm proud symbolized the credo of a struggling citizenry everywhere

but i feel that has begun to devolve into a mainstream, mature model

kanye west has been replaced by kidz bop

no niggas in paris, but add two more to this elementary school carpool lane.

that has been replaced (temporarily) rush hour in that empty hov lane

thankfully our mayor has found enough money in the city's budget to add a segway driving police officer solely for local revenue:  writing tickets.

so as my pippen (33) year reaches it winter, i've found myself reaching what were once unthinkable conclusions

maybe i'm becoming more conservative with age,

maybe i am now worried about this unit of armstrongs God has me captaining,

maybe i'm just not as young as i look, or even consider myself to be.

my muscles have stiffened to the point anything can end my athletic life -
hey, i'm only a weekend jock.

there are virtues in having a more corporate look, like promotions and plenty of time off

i've even found the natives accepting of us and our ever impromptu block parties.

trading beer for steak is how we've gotten to know zach.

i just wish i had a proper smoker and brisket for this weekend.

furthermore, as my dreams are realized, i find myself strutting toward greater challenges;

it's kinda pointless being bored.

the world is still revolving, why struggle?

that leads to complacency and eventually a loss of intellectual talents.

might as well strive to be the best, huh?


back to work.

wdms is experiencing technical difficulties, meaning it's time to earn my check.

gotta quash those darned bugs.

so til the next time

love, peace, and dax wave grease

don't forget to tip your favorite bartender

the job - and life - beckon me.

God bless, i'm out.

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