Tuesday, December 31, 2019

B is for Brisket: Dub Shack BBQ Presents Beef Brisket

When done right, nothing else in barbecue tastes better. Let’s hope it isn’t done wrong.

Beef Brisket*
One packer brisket, preferably around 12-15 lbs.
SPGO! The Beef Rub
Kosher salt
Coarse black pepper
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Baste (optional)
Beef broth
Soy sauce

Terms to Know
Point – the fatty part of the brisket, which is also known as the deckle. This is where the burnt ends come from.
Flat - the leaner part of the brisket, meatier than the point. This is where those uniform slices come from.

*I normally cook my briskets in the same weight range for not only the people (obviously) but also in the event that I might want leftovers for other stuff we may eat at home, such as nachos, tacos, lasagna, and of course, sandwiches on white bread. You can also get a point for burnt ends or a flat for slices – both of which make the process of cooking to temperature a bit easier which I’ll share later in this post. I also understand that everyone has his or her own tweaks to cooking this intimidating piece of beef as some of you subscribe to the schools of Aaron Franklin, Steve Raichlen, Myron Mixon, Malcom Reed, Moe Cason, etc. so just treat it as your own cook.
The whole thing
I cannot stress it enough to wash the meat with cold water once you take it out of the cryo-vac because the color in the store may be what gets it purchased and the finished product will look vastly different from it, and once that step is completed, lay it on a pan for it to reach room temperature. [Hint:  Beef can handle being in an open setting better than pork, but you still want to let it come up to temperature. Happy beef = tasty beef]. During that time, cut the fat; I tend to streamline my briskets to about ¼” fat throughout not only to protect them but also over time and depending on which side it is cooked, the fat either renders to the bottom of the smoker (fat on bottom) or down into the meat (fat on top), eliminating the need for the basting, You also want to get rid of the deckle and the inedible fatty parts that connect the flat and the point as well as any of the sinew and grey or discolored meat that was exposed to oxygen during processing. As it warms up – and brisket doesn’t need a binder for seasonings to stick, I use SPGO! quite liberally on both sides of the meat.

Once my Oklahoma Joe Highland reaches 250-275 degrees, it is time to bring out the brisket. Placement of the protein is critical – like any other meat, brisket cooks how it lies on grates; I always position mine in the center of the smoker with the point side facing the firebox, fat side down. Some people cook their protein fat side up, so it really is a moot point as we are all wanting what we consider our own versions of life-changing barbecue. Here in Saline County (Lord knows we need a legit BBQ joint, and the cost of admission is too high for me to play in that league), I use sticks of hickory wood due to the fact it is the most prevalent wood around, and I’ll add one fresh stick every 45 minutes to keep the pit running as smoothly as possible. If you’re operating with gas or electricity, find a similar temperature to hold the protein to; I like the smoke ring that comes from cooking on the big boy out back.

When the outside of the brisket starts turning dark, you have a pair of options:  1)wrap it in aluminum foil or food-grade butcher paper; or 2)leave it unwrapped. At this point the brisket has reached approximately 170 degrees – be sure to check the internal temperature before wrapping, if that is your choice and enters the stall.  From my experiences, I’ve wrapped briskets anywhere from four to six hours once it got to my desired color. Each of mine also gets wrapped tightly with two sheets of aluminum foil and returned to the smoker until it hits at least 200 degrees internally.

In the miracle of time (it could be another six hours or so, each brisket is different), the beef is done. To keep it juicy for all bites, allow the thing to rest for at least one hour (I go for two). You don’t want to lose the juiciness you’ve worked so hard for by cutting into it right after you take it off the smoker. When you’re ready to serve, slice the flat into ¼” slices against the grain [Hint:  The meat will tell you which way to go if you did a whole packer. Ditto for those of you who are only smoking a flat brisket. The point usually becomes burnt ends, or if it falls apart, chopped brisket].
Sliced brisket is where it's at
I cannot tell you how long to cook your brisket, but factor in 1 ½ hours per pound for maximum goodness for we don’t know how active the cow that sacrificed that muscle was before it met its fate at the slaughterhouse. Also, this is not a cook you can simply set and forget particularly if it is done on a stick burner; for anything more than a bathroom break, it is recommended you find a reliable citizen of the community who would not mind babysitting the smoker in exchange for beer or a few pounds of goodness.
So much love 

Smoking brisket is hard work (and for caterers, the loss leader by a long shot), but after 12-14 hours, it is well worth the labor. When done right, the saying “you don’t need teef to eat this beef” holds true not only in the bend of slices but also in its tenderness as each bite slides down your throats like warm butter on a biscuit.
You don't need teef to eat this beef

During 2020, be on the lookout for t-shirts, the sauces, and catering dates – and maybe, a pop-up near you! Be blessed, good to each other, and remember that every day is a GREAT day for Dub Shack BBQ!

Happy New Year – well, Happy New Decade!

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Still Tippin': Dub Shack BBQ Presents Tri-Tip

For those times when sharing an affordable steak dinner with family and friends is better than having a ginormous Porterhouse on your plate. Plus, it is so flavorful!

Tri-Tip, My Way*
Tri-Tip, obviously; get a 2 ½ to 3 lbs. hunk of meat
SPGO! The Beef Rub
Kosher salt
Coarse black pepper
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Steak seasoning of your choice
Baste (optional)
Beef broth

*If you get lucky and find a Santa Maria tri-tip, you can skip the seasoning part. I just make them my own whenever I purchase my tips.

Of course, always wash off the meat once it is taken out of the cryo-vac packaging and lay it on a pan for it to reach room temperature. During this time, I normally rub it down with olive oil so the rub can have something to stick to; as the meat sweats happen, step outside and light your grills for indirect heat. For the uninformed, indirect heat means you’re going to be cooking your meat away from the fire source because this is not a quick cook rather it is one that will knock your guests’ socks off and have them begging you to cook this meal every time they come over!

See how I did this
For today’s session I used my PK Classic grill but again, your weapon of choice is immaterial as long as the fire is on one side of the grill and the steak is on the other side. I also went for lump charcoal and a couple pieces of post oak wood to really accentuate the beefy flavors of tri-tip; once the grill gets to 275 degrees, it is time to bring the steak outside for the cook. Because you’re not cooking directly over fire, you have the chance to let it do its thing. Depending on how you like your steaks (my family tends to sway for the medium well to well done camp, and because of that, they get the ends), leave the tri-tip on the grill until it reaches an internal temperature 115 degrees. I won’t give a time since everyone’s grills work differently; I know how my PK gets the job done. Once it reaches 115, move the steak over to the hot side and sear it on both sides for four minutes each side or until the internal temperature reaches 135 degrees. Remember me saying that my family leans in that medium well camp? I have to let their tri-tips rise to 140; otherwise, they’ll be eating chicken. Once the tri-tip is seared on both sides, remove it from the grill and let it rest ten minutes before slicing against the grain. You may serve it with chimichurri sauce; if we have company, then I’ll throw in a baked potato with the fixings and something green and healthy (read: salad). Another option for your sliced tri-tips are next-level steak tacos with your toppings of choice. Again, make this your own.

If you’ve found yourself in a rut or want to try a cut of beef that you normally wouldn’t bring home, I strongly encourage you to grab a tri-tip and make it the MVP of next week’s dinner!
Thank you all for spreading the gospel of Dub Shack BBQ and let’s make every day a GREAT day for barbecue!

Just about perfection right here