Sunday, September 22, 2013

Prayer That Works

Prayer That Works, James 5:16

There are certain elements we are expected to gave throughout our Christian lives. We are said to be a peculiar people,  those who live differently - love our enemies, pray for our foes. As believers,  we ought to possess things in our treasure chest to get us through. 
1) prayer - believe God is able to do what you are praying for. Avoid being double minded man and remain stable. Those bipolar prayers aren't effective because they don't make it to Him. You may be able to fool the pastor, deacon,  members,  but not God.

2) confess - tell it one to another of wrongdoing. Be honest with yourself and others when it comes to sin; it is all filthy.  We aren't holier than someone else. Everyone has messes in their lives! When you come, clear the air with yourself; God already knows we have a way to make ourselves look better than we actually are. Example: asking for prayer to beat addiction. When you learn how to pray, you are becoming more like Jesus. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Power of Seven: Achieving Your Goals

Achieving your goals is a seven-step formula. No matter who or what gets in the way, NEVER GIVE UP. At times, your objective may look pretty grim, but pushing through the naysayers and meeting your goals will be more than worthwhile.

 A) Decide exactly what you want in each area of life. Be specific. What drives you? Is it money? Family time? Developing and cultivating friendships/relationships? Your ideal lifestyle?

B) Write it down clearly and in detail. Goals are ALWAYS on paper; otherwise, they are only wishes. Wishes have no energy behind them.

C) Set a deadline. By doing so, you have forced yourself to meet your goal by a specified date.

D) Make a list of everything that you can think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your goal. When new tasks arise, write them down until your list is complete.

E) Organize your list into a plan. Prioritize (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.), as this is your blueprint to build a dream house. Make certain that your priorities align with what you really want.

F) Take action on the plan. Don't just sit there, move! Get busy! Don't wait! Confucius once said a journey of a thousand leagues begins with one step. Have you taken your first step today?

G) Make progress daily. No matter how small, do something every day that moves you closer to your dreams. Over time, you'll develop the discipline to keep going all year long.

You'll be amazed by what gets done by the Power of Seven!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

two weeks' notice

i came here for an opportunity fleeting 
and discovered it to be a mirage.
while i've been grateful to learn and succeed (mildly, so to speak) for this company
it is time to go.

my last day is two weeks from today.

i don't care where my next job will be or how much it pays, 
but i'll be happier than i am now.
i like the idea of a steady paycheck
i hate the reality of little, if any advancement

there are guys who haven't had raises in two, three, four, or more years. 
i say bs.
we're supposedly essential, invaluable men and women?
i feel more like a department of corrections inmate than any free man.

no lunch, another night in the swamp.
worse, no semblance of relief. 
can't catch a break around here.
thank God i have a strong, empty bladder.
i might've peed my pants otherwise. 

i am a control specialist with limited control.
i am limited by time
i am limited by finances
i am limited by sapped energy
i am limited by an unreliable walkie whose speakers sound incoherent
i am limited by a spouse who has stopped dreaming
i am limited by rednecks in management who would rather see me lift seventy pound drums than to use my mind creating, updating, and maintaining databases
i am limited by small town southereners who look at skin before knowledge, ambition, talent, work ethic.

my last day is two weeks from today.

if i wouldn't go to the pen for it, i'd probably sell dope again
but there are too many risks for in that
i'd lose property, my teaching license, my family,
     and the list goes on and on
my job has made me expendable
why would i stay where i'm not wanted?
maybe i like getting slapped around and called susan
but that feels like high school all over again.

the damn rubberband on my right wrist is supposed to keep me grounded,
not ground my career/life prospects.
where did i go wrong?

my last day is two weeks from today.

who knows what the future may have in store for me?
who knows why i've spent 34 years chasing knowledge
to learn that i am still a fool?
who knows, i may even go postal.

i kinda needed a beer yesterday,
i wish my wife would understand why i work so much
i wonder if God has a do-over button for my life
i'm pretty sure none of you really care
i know i won't be missed when i'm gone.
i can be easily replaced.

my last day is two weeks from today.

i can't kill myself yet.
i haven't been insured long enough for the policy to go to my wife.
i'll look at it again in the morning
something about a suicide clause, darn it
a limited life isn't worth living, so i might as well stop living.
all i do is work, sleep, and shower. 

i wanna go home.
i don't belong here, and home isn't what it used to be.
i spent all of my time trying to move up, 
do better than my parents, 
be a decent provider for my wife (and eventual unborn), 
and this is my reward?
eff that.

i've been on the outer fringes of life. 
tell me if this residency is real, or if you're pulling my chain
the whippings no longer sting
my bottom has been numbed by the pain associated with failure.
the emotions are devoid, dulled by monotony
something's gotta give, but i've told myself that lie before. 

my last day is two weeks from today.

I Deserve All of This

I lied to you.
          You forgave me.        
I cheated on you.
          You accepted my apology.
I cursed at you.
          You remained calm.
I neglected you.
          You hung around me.
I ignored you.
          You gave me your undivided attention.
I hit you.
          You didn't call the police. 


I needed you.
          You were there. 
I held you.
          You cradled me.
I kissed you.
          You kissed me back.
I shared my dreams with you.
          You told me your dreams. 
I told you my worst fears.
          You didn't laugh.
I loved you.
          You loved me too.


I lied to you.
          You left me.

I deserve all of this.

Letter to God

Dear God,

It's me again. I feel like I have been deserted by those who love me, and am lost and confused as ever. The thoughts that run through my head are impure, my heart has gone somewhere else, and frankly, I'm scared. Is it okay to be afraid? I fear You, yet I'm afraid of my own thoughts. What are they this way? Why do I feel nothing but contempt? Why am I this way, angry at something?

I know it's hard because I've always been a rock but now I'm on shaky ground and no one understands my wincing pain. I'm not asking for them to feel me, just to show compassion. But, this is my cross to bear and I know You're walking with me if not carrying me. Whatever is in Your Will, then I will do. Thank You. In Jesus's Name I pray, Amen.


eight weeks, no job

seven days make up one week

six six six can be a scary number

five steps til eternity, according to dru hill

four more questions and then what?

three is the magic number

two signifies you and me, and

one wonders why i am alone?

Your Mission Statement & The 7 R's of Personal Management

This is for your professional lives and pushing toward a better self-branding.

Mission statement - a future-tense description based on your values, the kind of person or corporation that you would ideally like to be in three to five years. Your core values/mission statement become your operating principles for everything you do. You commit ALL of your resources to living consistency with them. It also includes the measure and method aimed at achieving something for others, especially in business.

Example: My mission is to (do what I intend to do to improve the life or work of someone), which I achieve by (what I intend to do achieve that improvement), and I measure success by when I (achieve the measure I will use to determine whether I have completed my mission).

The 7 R's of Personal Management

1)Reevaluate your situation. Am I where I want to be? What is holding me back, and what can I do about it?

2)Reorganize your life. Examine your daily activities and question whether or not something can be done differently for better results. Look for ways to become more efficient and work more effectively. Always increase output relative to input to time and money.

3)Restructure activities. Look at the specific things that contribute the most value to your company and customers. Do you spend 80% of your time chasing 20% of your problems? If so, reverse course and hone in on things that yield the greatest payoff.

4)Re-engineer your career. Look at your entire body of work and its process from start to finish. Can parts (or whole steps) be eliminated without compromising the overall structure? Will changing a few things help you accomplish more in less time?

5)Reinvent yourself regularly. Determine what you love doing and start figuring out how to find or create a job doing more of it.

6)Refocus your energies. This is the key to your future. By refocusing, you now have the ability to concentrate on the few things that you truly enjoy. Find a specialty and stick with it!

7)Rethinking. Take the time to think about who you are and your direction, especially if you're unhappy in your current place. You have time to change and find your happy place. Realize there are more options now than ever; therefore, start planning your next move.

You can rethink and re-plan your entire career within these few steps. Anytime you're discouraged with your working environment, think through these steps. While they only serve as a self-evaluation tool, remember that people are always in your corner; otherwise, reconsider your circles of friends and associates.